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      Immune Support

      WishGarden's herbal immune support tinctures are concentrated extracts of organic and sustainably cultivated plants, safely combined to accentuate their therapeutic properties. Our proprietary formulas combine different herbs with complementary properties for a comprehensive approach to support immunity naturally. Among our three lines of immune boosting formulas — Adult, Children and Pregnancy/Postpartum — they can be used to help promote immune system health and provide an extra defense against illness.

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      From the WishGarden Blog

      Navigating Immune Support for Kids

      At WishGarden we have been supporting healthy families for over 40 years, and our children’s formulas are a staple in many natural medicine cabinets. Our kids’ line is carefully crafted with herbs that are unique to kids’ needs and gentle little bodies. Here's what's what and when to give your children the right immune support formulas. [Read more]

      Our Immunity Formulas: What's What, When to Use Them

      As humans, we are each unique, so even though we are all exposed to similar triggers, we tend to react to them differently.  WishGarden understands and develops with this variation in mind. We offer such a wide array of formulas to meet challenges in every way they show up. At the same time, with so many options, it can get a bit confusing to navigate your way through which formula to use and when. After getting these questions over and over, I created a guide to help you choose the best formula for whatever your immune system needs right now! [Read more]